Published Resources Details Journal Article

Jaques, W. H.
Torpedo Attack. Torpedoes, Torpedo Vessels, and Torpedo Warfare
vol. 46, December 1888, pp. 617-618

Accession No.2637


So much had been written in almost every language on this subject by men who held prominent positions in their respective countries, and who had established reputations which fitted them to be authorities on the question, that instead of repeating the views and theories presented and recorded by Attlmayer, Barber, Barnes, Bradford, Brassey, Brown, De Coulston, Charmes, Du Pin de Saint Andre, Elliot, Engineering, Gallwey, Gougeard, Hovgaard, King, Lafont, Newell, Nordenfelt, Sarrepont, Schleeman, Strothherd, Swartzkopf, Very, Von Schelihia, Weyl, White, Whitehead, Yarrow, and others, that what was needed were concise proposals that would meet the present requirements of the U.S. Navy, which was childless so far as torpedoes and their carriers were concerned.

Instead of presenting a summary of torpedo history the author suggested that it might be interesting to consider the question of torpedoes and torpedo warfare by a comprehensive and graphic treatment of the following questions:
1. Their place in naval warfare.
2. The type of torpedoes and torpedo vessels required for the naval service of the United States.
3. The organization and training of the personnel.
4. The tactics to be employed in offensive and defensive torpedo warfare.