Published Resources Details Letters Patent

de Ferranti, S. Z.
Turbine-driven automotor
United States Patent Office, 1910

13,217, Specification of reissued Letters Patent, reissued March 14, 1911, original No. 925,889, dated June 22, 1909, Serial No. 256,107, application for reissue filed July 18, 1910, Serial No. 572,646.

Accession No.1278


"This invention has for its object to effect improvements in turbine installations so as to make them specially suitable to the propulsion of automotors such as torpedoes, where it is desired to have a simple plant working from stored energy not only stored in the combustible, but also in the form of compressed air, compressed gas, liquid air or liquid gas, or a compound such as slow burning powders and the like, which are capable of giving off heat energy without the employment of oxygen derived fro the external air.

The invention thus consists in a turbine installation adapted to utilize a given store of energy without the employment of oxygen other than that contained in said store in a more efficient manner than has heretofore been possible by any known means."