Published Resources Details Journal Article

Maxfield, F. A.
Torpedo-Propulsion Systems
Journal of the American Rocket Society
18233, pp. 166-184

Accession No.2059


'Present-day (1949) torpedoes are highly specialized pieces of machinery which have been designed to fulfil a specific function. The development of these weapons from the original Whitehead model to those of World War II has followed a slow course parallel with other developments in engineering, physics and metallurgy. In this paper some of the principal design objectives for effective torpedo-propulsion systems have been outlined and an attempt has been made to show how American torpedo development, particularly between World War I and World War II, has been guided by these requirements. Propulsion systems most used during World War II are described in some detail and compared with contemporary equipment developed by foreign nations. Finally, the present state of development of high-power-compact propulsion-systems has been discussed and some mention has been made of the direction in which future developments appear to be headed.' It seems that this article is the source of some of the myths surrounding the Cunningham Rocket Torpedo (footnote on page 171), which were also perpetuated by Kirby, G. in 'The Development of Rocket-Propelled Torpedoes.' (Page 3 of Accession No.1045).
