Published Resources Details Journal Article

Stefanick, T.
The nonacoustic detection of submarines
Scientific American
vol. 258, no. 3, March 1988, pp. 41-47



"Submarines are not in themselves invulnerable; once they are detected antisubmarine-warfare (ASW) forces can get an accurate fix on them and attack them. Since World War I, when the first methods for detecting submarines were developed, ASW has grown increasingly sophisticated and has become an important part of any naval operation. Traditionally ASW has been carried out by specialized surface ships, aircraft, helicopters and attack submarines and has been directed primarily at the opponent's general-purpose submarines, which pose a significant threat to aircraft carriers, supply ships and other ocean-going vessels.

Based on the information available in the unclassified literature, a breakthrough in the means of detecting submerged submarines does not appear imminent. On the other hand, basic scientific questions regarding the possible detection of subsurface water motions remain unanswered." Accession