Published Resources Details Journal Article

A link in the history of submarine boats
The Engineer
vol. 82, 17 July 1896, p. 54

Accession No.2735


"In the United States Navy-yard at Brooklyn is a curious specimen of naval architecture, which is styled locally the "Intelligent Whale" although that is not its official name. It is a submarine boat which was purchased by the Government some years ago, and which was intended to be used in fastening torpedoes under warships. It is a stumpy "cigar-shaped" boat, with its midship diameter equal to about half the length; on top is a conning tower or dome, while projecting side windows are also provided, affording a view forward, the windows all being protected by outside gratings. At the stern is a screw propeller, which is driven by four men by means of gearing. Movable horizontal rudders or fins control the depth of flotation. The boat was to carry a crew of thirteen persons. During a test several years ago, in the North River, the boat went to the bottom and did not rise, and before it could be raised by wrecking derricks all the men were killed. The craft was afterwards removed to the navy-yard and placed on dry land in a deserted corner, where it now remains."

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