Published Resources Details Journal Article

A fast steam yacht
The Engineer
vol. 42, 20 October 1876, p. 274

Accession No.25


The steam yacht Gitana (length 91 feet, beam 13 feet 6 inches; trial speed 24.61miles per hour), was fitted with a 13 and a half inch by 15-inch (2) by 16-inch stroke, 450 indicated horsepower direct acting compound engine, operating at 325 revolutions per minute with steam supplied at 100 pounds per square inch by a locomotive boiler with brass tubes and a copper fire-box, built by J I Thornycroft, Chiswick, for the Baroness Adolphe de Rothschild for use on Lake Geneva. The Gitana was shipped to Lake Geneva in pieces and assembled at La Bellote by English workmen.
